A search-light on the Eagle
INTRODUCTION: Exodus 19:4. "You have seen what I did unto the
Egyptians, and how I BARE YOU ON EAGLES' WINGS, and brought you unto
myself". The eagle is a very special creature with very special
characteristics, features and qualities. It has a unique lifestyle
that makes it stand out among all other birds and creatures of God.
There are four special creatures of God that are unique and different
from others. Their unequal uniqueness make them appear throughout the
bible. They are MAN, LION. OX and EAGLE. Ezek. 1:4-10. The eagle
possesses divine abilities. It is a-god-bird. In this teaching we
shall see why God said, in Isaiah 40:31 "But they that waite upon the
LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as
eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not
Mounting up!
Isaiah 40:28-31. "Hast thou not known? Hast thou not heard that the
everlasting God, the LORD, the creator of the ends of the earth
fainteth not, neither is weary? There is no searching of his
understanding. He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no
might he increaseth strength. Even the youths shall faint and be
weary, and the young men shall utterly fall: But they that waite upon
the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall MOUNT UP WITH WINGS AS
EAGLES, they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not
Every creeping plant is weak and feeble and liable to fall
without the aid of a strong plant. They fall and creep on the ground,
and people trample upon them and they eventually die with a short life
span. They don't excel. But when they creep up and wind themselves
around a stronger plant or tree, they become as strong as that plant.
This is the simple picture of what it means to waite on the Lord.
Believers are weak, feeble and spiritually inactive untill they can
learn to wind themselves round God the Creator, Faint not, Strong,
full of immeasurable understanding and limitless power. Every step you
take to stay as close to God as possible is the step of waiting on the
Lord. Waiting on the Lord is a painstaking effort that will demand
your time, energy and substance. Your consistent prayers and feasting
and diligent study of the word are steps to renewing your strength. The outward man is destroyed, but the inward man is renewed. All effects
of waiting on the Lord can be seen in the next part as we throw a
search light on the eagle. Come with me...
Search light on the eagle
NATURE AND QUALITIES OF THE EAGLE: Isaiah 40:31. "But they that waite
upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with
wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary; and they shall walk,
and not faint." This declaration is probably one of the most important
statements in the bible. We understand from the above passage that our
waiting on the Lord will produce in us the same effective nature and
abilities the eagle possesses. To fully appreciate and understand this
verse, we need to understand the life, nature, qualities and
characters of the eagle. This I sum up to NATURE AND QUALITIES OF THE
1. RENEWAL ABILITY: Psalm 103:5. "Who satisfieth thy mouth with good
things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle's." The eagle has
the ability to renew his strength for a better mounting power. How
does he do this? Micha 1:16. "Make thee BALD, AND POLL thee for thy
delicate children; ENLARGE THY BALDNESS AS THE EAGLE;..." There are
two words in this scripture that explain how the eagle renew strength:
BALD and POLL. The eagle balds or removes feathers and wings by flying
from one end of the rock to another, smashing itself violently on the
rock and using also its beak, until all old feathers and wings are
copletely pulled out of its body. It waites on the rock without any
activity and during the period grows new wings and feathers and a
renewed eagle emerges again. POLL in Hebrew is GAZAZ which means to
cut off, shave and cut down. During this process the eagle becomes
bloody, pulling out the old wings and feathers. This experience is not
palatable, but the eagle must go through it to renew strength. As
believers, we need to painstakingly waite n God denying ourselves of
comforts and stay away in the closeth with fasting and prayers and
digging deep into the rich resources of God and taking in his valuable
word which is able to build us up and renew us for greater exploits.
seen what I did unto the Egyptians and how I brought you ON EAGLES'
WINGS, and brought you unto myself." God himself appreciates the
inexhaustible strength and power of the wings of the eagle. God
compared the ability that brought Israel out of Egypt to eagle's
wings. This is surely what happens to believers when they waite on the
Lord. They exchange their weaknesses with God's unequal strength.
God's strength becomes ours. No more weakness. We receive new strength
for each day of every step of our spiritual journey.
3. SWIFTNESS: Deut. 28:49. "The LORD shall bring a nation against
thee from far, from the end of the earth, AS SWIFT AS THE EAGLE
FLIETH..." 2 Sam. 1:23. Saul and Jonathan were lovely and pleasant in
their lives, ... they were SWIFTER THAN EAGLES, they were stronger
than lions." Jer. 4:13. "Behold, he shall come up as clouds, and his
chariots shall be as a whirl wind: his horses are SWIFTER THAN
EAGLES..." To be swift means to be quick, spirited and be of great
speed. "They shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not
faint." We faint and become less spirited when we don't learn from
time to time to waite on God. The work of our hands becomes a drag and
frustrated for lack of spirigtual energy. Elijah out ran the horses
and chariot of Ahab because he was swift. He had been waiting on the
Lord on Mount Carmel. When we waite on God, we receive divine spreed
to accomplish greater things in lesser time. 1 Kings 18:41-46.
4. POWER OF VISION: Job 39:29. "From thence she seeketh the prey, and
her EYES BEHOLD AFAR OFF." The eagle possesses the ability to see very
far. It has a sharp focus. No other creature has as much power of
vision as the eagle. People usually metaphorically refer to somebody
with sharp focus as having the 'eye of an eagle' or having 'eagle-eye'
AND WILL WATCH TO SEE what he will say unto me,... And the Lord
answered me, and said, write the VISION, and make it plain upon
tables; that he may run that readeth it." Certainly, there is no
better way to see our personal future, than to waite on the Lord.
Habakkuk says 'I will stand upon my watch.' This is waiting on the
When we waite on God, we enter into the realm of God's supernatural
ability to see. Please see 2 Cor. 3 the entire chapter.
5. POWER OF WISDOM AND UNDERSTANDING: Job 39:26,27. "Doth the hawk
(with the nature of eagle) fly by thy WISDOM and stretch her wings
toward the south? Doth the EAGLE mount up at thy COMMAND, and make her
nest on high?" ... Prov. 30:18-19. "There be thre things which are too
WONDERFUL for me, yea, four which I KNOW NOT: THE WAY OF AN EAGLE IN
THE AIR,..." The eagle does not mount and soar without a wisdom and
understanding. The bible calls it WISDOM and COMMAND. The wise man in
proverbs 30:18-19 commended the soaring ability of an eagle in the
air. He calls this strange.
The eagle mounts up with a particular wind (wisdom). Every kind of
wind blows, but the eagle recognizes the particular wind for mounting
and soaring. This is wisdom and understanding. The eagle soars in the
power of this wind effortlessly. When we waite on God, we receive the
wisdom and understanding to do things better and with less efforts.
6. HEIGHT OF DWELLING: Job 39:28. "She dwelleth and abideth on the
49:16. "... O thou that dwellest in the CLEFTS OF THE ROCK, that
holdest the HEIGHT OF THE HILL; though thou shouldest make thy nest as
HIGH AS THE EAGLE, ..." Obad. 1:4. "Though thou exalt thyself as the
EAGLE,..." .. The above scriptures are considered in relative term
with our study, and the negative aspect is not our potion. The eagle
dwells habitually at a height that no other creatures of God can.
Whenever we waite on the Lord, we operate at and from a very high
spiritual frequency. We habitually dwell there. We no longer dwell and
operate from a common height and with the crowd: we stand out. We
dwell in God's presence and operate from there.
7. HEIGHT OF FLIGHT - Toward heaven: Prov. 23:5. "... They fly away
as an EAGLE TOWARD HEAVEN. The word flight means ministry or service
or get engaged in kingdom work. It is believed that the eagle survives
a height of flight at the realm of the Concord Jets. No other creature
can survive the pressure existing there but the eagle. The eagle soars
above every storm and takes total dominance. This is what we achieve
when we consistently waite on God. We dominate every storm and survive
the toughest of height as we serve. We do exploits and reign in life.
Please come with me for more insight on the eagle.
8. RAVENOUS BIRD - DEVOURING POWER: Job 9:26. "They pass away as the
swift ship: AS THE EAGLE THAT HASTETH TO THE PREY." Job . 39:30b "...
Where the slain are, there is she." Isaiah 46:11. "Calling a RAVENOUS
BIRD from the east, the man that executeth my counsel from a far
country." Hab. 1:8. "... they shall fly as the EAGLE THAT HASTETH TO
EAT." Matt. 24:28. "For wheresoever the CARCASE IS, THERE THE EAGLES
BE GATHERED TOGETHER." The above passages describe the devouring
ability of the eagle. When we waite on the Lord, we receive the
strength to devour our enemies. We become very formidable against the
devil and his kingdom. The powers of darkness simply become meat for
9. ABUNDANT SUPPLY: Job 39:29-30. "From thence she SEEKETH HE PREY
and her eyes behold afar off. Her YOUNG ONES ALSO SUCK UP BLOOD: AND
WHERE THE SLAIN ARE, THERE IS SHE." The eagle and the offspring never
lacks. The eagle is able to sight it's supply from a far distance and
go for it without fail. The eagle eats fresh meat in abundant supply.
This is the life of any believer who waites on the Lord.
The scripture above describes some of the uniqueness of the eagle in
dealing with her offspring. The bible actually compare this with the
way God deals with his people. The eagle has a nest of protection over
the eaglets to shield them from discomforts. But for the eaglets to
grow into maturity like the eagle and learn to mount up and soar, the
eagle STIRS UP the nest to expose the young to teaching and training.
She begins to spread her wings to show the young ones how to fly. She
makes them spread their wings like her and before they crash for lack
of expertise, she swoops down and pick them on her back with her
wings. The eagle continues this process untill the eaglets learn to
fly like the parent. The eagle has to expose the eaglets to a certain
level of discomforts, but never forsake them until they grow to
maturity. Sir, Humphry Davy gave an illustration on this thus: "I once
saw a very interesting sight above the crags of Ben Nevis. Two parent
eagles were teaching their offsprings, two young
birds, the maneuvers of flight. They began by rising from the top of
the mountain in the eye of the sun. It was about mid-day, and bright
for climate. They at first made small circles, and the young birds
imitated them. They paused on their wings, waiting till they have made
their flight, and then took a second and larger gyration, always
rising toward the sun, and enlarging their circle of flight so as to
make a gradually ascending spiral. The young ones still and slowly
followed, apparently flying better as they mounted; and they continued
this sublime exercise, always rising till they become mere points in
the air, and the young ones were lost, and afterwards their parents,
to our aching sight,"
EAGLE-BELIEVERS: Like the eagle, God teaches, trains, protects and
guides us to maturity. We may not really enjoy some of the ways God
will train us. Some of his trainings will expose us to some
discomforts. This training will eventually produce God in us. Like the
eaglets can mount up like the parent after training, we also can do
what our Father does. Our waiting on God is a means of training. It
will produce God's nature in us. We can further train others by the
training we have received from him.
We are eagle believers. To live up to this reality, we ought to
understand who we trully are. We must make time out of no time to
develop our nature through a life-stile of waiting on the Lord. Many
nations understand the uniqueness of the eagle and that is why some
engrave the eagle on their flags, currency, military and law
enforcement garments as national symbol. National associations, clubs
and political parties are named after eagle. God does not intend that
we should live our lives less than his expectations for us. Don't
forget that "...They that waite upon the LORD shall renew their
strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run,
and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint." Thank you for
reading, I hope you have been blessed.
Email: word.healing@yahoo.com
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