Wednesday, November 10, 2010


God has called and ordained every believer to fulfill two
basic purposes on earth. I call this: FULFILLING GOD'S TWO-FOLD
PURPOSE ON EARTH. Whatever you are called and ordained to accomplish
for God, must fall under either one or two of these. I call it
two-fold because everyone is ordained to satisfy both. Many don't
understand this and I believe that this is why God has moved me to
look into this. We are called to be kings and priests of God
simultaneously. To live any less is to live unfulfilled life on earth.
Rev. 1:5-6; Rev. 5:10. This is a work that has been part of me from
the very day I gave my life to Jesus. It's not just a knowledge, it's
a life.

My intention for this book is to explore the Bible from the Old
Testament to The New, to dig out the truth about this work. We shall
be able to see the institution of the PRIESTHOOD and why it was
established. We shall also see the institution of KINGS and why it was
established. We shall also see how both roles relate and apply to us
in the New Testament. I will incorporate the role of the Intercessor
and how it is synonymous to either of the roles. This is my life. I
have searched this out by living it. Welcome!


1 Peter 2:9. "But ye are a chosen generation,
a royal priesthood..." Rev. 1:5-6. ..."And hath made us kings and
priests unto God..." Rev. 5:10. "And hath made us unto our God kings
and priests: and we shall reign on the earth." Every kingdom is
sustained by the roles of both kings and priests. DEFINITION: Priest:
In a simple term, a priest is someone who offers sacrifices to a
supernatural being on behalf of himself and primarily on behalf of
others for the well being of the people. KING: A king is someone who
is given authority and power to rule over a territory and all the
subjects of that territory. A priest offers sacrifices to God on
behalf of the people who may not be opportuned or ordained to do so.
Priest ministers to God and a king ministers to the people.

The role of priesthood spanned from the beginning of the Bible. Cain
and Abel his brother offered sacrifices to God. Gen. 4:3-4. Noah,
after the flood, offered every clean beast to God. Gen. 8:20. Abraham
built alters and offered sacrifices to God every place he dwelled in
the land of Cannan. Gen. 12:8; 13:4. The essence of sacrifice is to
attract the attention of God and bring Him down to act accordingly. It
was said that Abraham called upon the Name of The LORD. Sacrifice is a
means of calling upon God. In Gen. 14:18, Melchizedek was called
priest of The Most High. In Exodus 2:16, 3:1 and 18:1, Jethro was
called priest of Midian. The role of priesthood is clearly seen in the
Bible before the ordination of the LEVITICAL PRIESTHOOD in the

The role of king also began from the beginning of the Bible, but was
quite silent. In Gen. 1:26-28, the purpose for which man was created
and made was to rule and reign. Adam was the very first king over the
earth. He lost his dominionship to Satan. Thank God for restoration.
Jesus restored dominion to man. A king is someone who is given
authority and power to rule over a territory and all within it. This
was the position of Adam in the beginning. This ministry was not so
relevant among the people of God untill Saul was anointed king over
Israel. Though other nations had kings over them. So, Israel clamoured
for one, and God gave them Saul the son of Kish. 1 Samuel 10:1.

CALL AND ORDINATION: In the old covenant, God called all his people
out of Egypt, but he ordained very few of them to be priests, kings
and prophets. PRECEDENCE: The priestly ministry is the first to be
ordained by God among men. The ministry began with an anointing oil in
the wilderness. Exodus 28:40-41. "And for Aaron's sons thou shalt make
coats...for glory and for beauty. And thou shalt put them upon Aaron
thy brother, and his sons with him; and SHALT ANOINT THEM, AND
priesthood, in the church, in the wilderness. The priesthood ministry
is like the horse while the kingly ministry is like the cart. The
horse powers the cart to progress. We shall see this later.

The ministry of king was ordained by God among his people with
anointing oil about 400 years after the existence and practical
ministry of priesthood. 1 Samuel 10:1. "Then Samuel took a vial of oil
and poured it upon his head, and kissed him, and said, IS IT NOT
INHERITANCE? God ordained the priest to minister to Him on behalf of
Israel as a nation. The priest is an Intercessor. He is an
inter-mediary between God and men, people, nations etc. The king is
ordained to minister to men. He is set over God's inheritance to
nurture them. He is a governor. We will see these more clearly when we
begin to consider their roles. The priest draws power from God to the
king to rule well. The success of the priest is the success of the
king and vice versa.


Unlike the Old Testament, every believer now, is
automatically called, ordained and anointed to stand in both offices.
1 Peter 2:9. "But ye are a chosen race, a kingly priesthood..." (Derby
Translation). "But ye be a chosen kin, a kingly priesthood..."
(Wycliff Translation). Rev. 1:6, "And hath made us kings and priests
unto God and his Father..." Rev. 5:10, "And hath made us unto our God
kings and priests: and WE SHALL REIGN ON THE EARTH." (KJV). In the New
Testament, every believer is a king and a priest at the same time, and
by these order, we reign on the earth. According to Rev. 5:10, our
reigning and ruling on this earth is God's purpose for us, and this
can only be met when we realize who we really are: kings and priests.
If we do not understand this truth and walk in it, we will be under
instead of being on top.


Heb.3:1. "Wherefore, holy brethren, partakers of the
heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and HIGH PRIEST OF OUR
PROFESSION, CHRIST JESUS." This scripture tells us that we are
partakers of who He is. Hallelujah! Heb. 4:14-16. "Seeing then that we
have a great HIGH PRIEST, that is passed unto the heavens, Jesus the
son of God, let us hold fast OUR PROFESSION...Let us therefore COME
BOLDLY UNTO THE THRONE OF GRACE, that we may obtain mercy, and find
grace in time of need." Only priests can "come boldly" to God's
throne. "Let us therefore hold fast to our profession." In other
words, let us not allow what we profess to be in Christ slip away from
us. Let us declare and hold to who we are in Christ Jesus. WE ARE

ORDER OF MELCHIZEDEC: Heb. 5:10. "Called of God an HIGH PRIEST after
SALEM, PRIEST OF THE MOST HIGH..." God called Jesus to be an High
Priest after the order of MELCHIZEDEC, a King and a Priest for ever.
Jesus, through his death resurrection and ascension, himself made us
kings and priests of God for ever in His own order. Hallelujha! Rev.
1:6. Every believer is a king/priest in the order of our Lord Jesus.
Jesus is The High Priest and King of kings. We are the priests and
kings. He is the King over us who are also kings and High Priest over
us who are also priests. We must not live our lives short of God's
expectations for us, else we will not be fully fulfilled.

KING OF KINGS: Rev. 17:14. "And these shall make war with the Lamb,
and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is the Lord of lords, and
FAITHFUL." Hallelujha! Those that are with him, called, chosen and
faithful are the saints, who are also kings like himself. Kings lead
to fight wars. Rev. 19:16. "And he hath on his verture and on his
thigh a NAME written KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS." At this point,
there should be no doubt or controversy on the facts that all
believers, in the New Testament are kings and priests. Heb. 2:1-4
"Therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which
we have heard, lest at any time we should let it slip. For if the word
spoken by angels was stedfast, and every transgression and
disobedience received a just..."


THE ROLES OF PRIESTS:We have seenthe origin, outlook and ordination of the priesthood in the Old Testament. We have also seen the relevance of this ministry to us in the New Testament. Let us see the roles of this vital institution of God. I touched very sparingly, the roles of the priest in the previous chapters. Now let us look deeply at the broad roles. 

BROAD PICTURE Of THE PRIESTHOOD: Exodus 28. Please read the entire chapter very diligently in the Spirit. This chapter reveals the very purpose for the institution of the priesthood. This chapter is also very loaded that it will take a face to face teaching to be able to fairly deal with all it's contents. Verse 1 reveals the call and ordination of the priests - Aaron and his sons to minister to God in the Tabernacle.

Verse 2 lists out the garments of the priests.

Holy garments it was called. This is important because the outlook of
the priest's garments tells the purpose of the priest. We shall take
time to critically examine each garment. 

The garment of the priests was not intended for fashion, it was
intended to show the reason for the call. Holy garments for glory and
beauty: the priesthood is a call into holy life. The ministry of the
priest brings glory an beauty. The absence of the priestly role is
also the absence of glory and beauty in our lives, family, church,
community, nation and the entire world. Verse 4 lists out the
garments: A Breastplate, An Ephod, A Robe, A Broidered Coat, A Mitre
and A girdle. If the priests did not put on all this garments
complete, he could not minister to God in the priest's office. We
shall take each garment in order.

MITRE: Ex. 28:36-38. A head dress called MITZNEFET, translated into
English as Mitre. It was wound round the head so as to form a broad
flat-topped turban. Attached to it was the (TZITZ). A golden crown
bearing the inscription: HOLINESS TO THE LORD. Ex 39:30-31. Purpose:
To bear the iniquity of the holy gifts that the children of Israel
offered to the Lord, for God to be able to accept it. Is it not true
of us today? Some people are not able to reach God's acceptance
because of their iniquity (sin). But we can go to God on their behalf
for acceptance. God in his mercy can turn to them and receive them and
accept them when our prayer also move them to seek him. This is the
role of an Intercessor. See 1 John 5:16. Upon the head of the priest
is the burden for sin.

THE EPHOD: Ex. 28:9-12. The Ephod was an elaborate garment worn by the
high priest, and upon which the breastplate containing the Urim and
Thummim, rested. It was made of gold, blue, purple and red thread. On
the both shoulders of the Ephod were the names of the children of
Israel written on Onyx stones, (a crystallized pure stone with bands
of colour). One stone on the left shoulder with six names and one
stone on the right shoulder with other six names of the tribe of
Israel. The two stones were placed upon the shoulders of the Ephod,
each on both sides. The priest was to bear the names of Israel to God
for a memorial.
It is important for us to understand the purpose of shoulder in the
body. Isaiah 10:27. "And it shall come to pass in that day that his
BURDEN shall be taken away from off thy SHOULDER,..." The shoulder is
significant for burden bearing. The priest was to carry the burden of
Israel on his shoulder to God as a memorial. Memorial, so that God
will always remember Israel that they should not be forgotten.
Whenever the priest appeared before God and the Ephod is in place, God
remembers Israel to bless them for good. Some of us like the priest,
have a list of people we are praying for, reminding God the need to
reach out to them. That's priesthood. When we stand in the gap for
others who may not be in the position to do so, and we take their case
to him in prayer or praise, we are actually fulfilling the role of a

THE BREASTPLATE: Ex. 28:29-30. "And Aaron shall bear the names of the
children of Israel in the breastplate of JUDGEMENT UPON HIS HEART,
when he goeth in into the holy place for a memorial before the Lord
CONTINUALLY." see also verse 30. The breastplate is attached to the
Ephod on the chest level. Inside it were the sacred instrument of
divination, The Urim and Thummim, by which the priest received counsel
from God to Israel. It stands for a divine ability from God to be a
spokesman for him. The priest sought counsel from God for Israel. The
priest also laid upon his HEART the right and privileges due to the
people. He petitioned God for the right of the people. This was why it
was called the breastplate of JUDGEMENT. In Romans 8:26-27, we make
intercession for the saints according to the will of God. The Spirit
helps us.

THE ROBE OF THE EPHOD: Ex. 28:31-35. These verses describe how God
intended the priest to come into his presence. The robe is probably
the most important of all the garments of the priest. The robe was
under the Ephod and reached to the knees, without sleeves. This is
actually the garment that covered the nakedness of the priest before
God. At the hem (edge) of it were pomegranates of blue, purple, and
red round the edge. Bells of gold between each pomegranate. "The robe
shall be upon Aaron to minister and HIS SOUND SHALL BE HEARD WHEN HE
THAT HE DIE NOT." verse 35. The NLT says ..."if he wears it, he will
not die." The Message Translation says "The bells will be heard when
he enters the holy place... and again when he comes out, so that he
won't die."

HIS SOUND SHALL BE HEARD: The sound of the bell was the sound of the
high priest. It was his praise to God. There is this opinion that the
bell was made for man to hear, that as long as the bell kept jingling,
the high priest was alive. And that if the sound should stop
indefinitly, it was possible that he was dead. They said a rope was
usually tied to the waist of the high priest whenever he went into the
holy place, in God's presence, that in the event of his death in the
place, the rope was used to pull his body out. This opinion and
teaching is heretic, baseless and unscriptural. Why? A rope is never
mentioned in the bible as part of the fittings of the garments or part
of it. No story in the bible leads to this. Any addition to the
garments, apart from what God commanded was a jeopardy to the life of
the high priest.

THE BELL AND THE POMEGRANATE: The bell was a small golden metal,
shaped like a cup, that made a penetrating ringing sound when hit by
the small piece of metal inside it. The pomegranate was a round fruit
with large and much seed concentrated in it. They were of different
colours, blue, purple and red with the golden bell between each, round
the hem (edge) of the robe. This combination gives a significant,
choice and colourful sound of praise to God whenever the high priest
entered and came out of God's presence. As long as this was so, he
could not die. The Psalmist in Psalm 100:4 says "Enter into his gates
with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise:..." This passage
was also true with the LEVITICAL priesthood. They could not enter into
God's presence without choice, fruitful and colourful praise. Praise

NOT FOR FUN! God did not ask Moses to design the garments just for the
fun of it. Everything was significant to glorify him. The robe,
therefore, was not designed that way so that God can make somebody
hear the sound of the bell. The combination of the fruit, of three
colors, and the golden bell was designed for God's pleasure. I will
explain the FOURSQUARE: blue, purple, red and gold colours and their
significance later. Praise is God's food - lev. 3:11,16. Fruit is for
eating,but seed is for sowing. The pomegranate had much seeds
concentrated in it. I believe God took pleasure in the fruit and sent
the seed back to Israel for much fruits. This is very deep, and I wish
I could deal with this before everyone on a face to face teaching.
Read Lev.1-7 for all the priestly sacrifices.

GIRDLE OF THE EPHOD: The girdle is a band. An underwear that fitted
closely around the waist region of the priest. It was used to fasten
the Ephod firmly to the body so that the breastplate will not be
loosed from the Ephod and from the body. Ex. 28: 28. Ex. 29:9. As the
the breastplate is to righteousness so is the girdle to truth. Knowing
the truth as u enter into God's presence makes you as firm as true
priest. Eph. 6:14. If as a priest, you stray off the TRUTH, or the
knowledge of the truth, you will not be qualified to be a priest.
Hosea 4:6. My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou
has rejected knowledge, I wilk also reject thee, that thou shalt be no
priest to me:...Lack of knowledge disqualifies you from being priest.
That is what the GIRDLE represents. 

The coat of fine linen, embroidered or decorated or beautified for
glory and beauty. The priesthood, as I said earlier is for glory and

THE PRIESTHOOD SACRIFICES: The priest offers sacrifices of praise,
thanksgiving and prayer to God. SACRIFICES: The act of offering
something to God especially animal that has been killed in a special
way. Sacrifice is the act of giving up something important or valuable
to God in order to get something that seems more important. Sacrifice
can be in substance. It can also be the fruit of our lips Heb. 13:15.
male without blemish, a willing sacrifice, a sacrifice for acceptance.
The beast was to be skinned and cut into pieces. The symbolic meaning
of this in the New Testament is Romans12:1. Presenting your body a
living sacrifice.

MEAT OFFERING: Lev. 2. It was called meat or meal offering. It was a
willing sacrifice of flour or cereal, mingle with oil and
frankinscence. The priest burnt a handful mingle with oil and all the
frankinscence to God as a memorial. The rest of the flour or cereal
belonged to Aaron The high priest and his sons. This was the only
offering which the priest had a major share. OIL AND FRANKINSCENCE:
oil is for joy and frankinscence is for worship and praise. Isaiah
61:3. The significance of this in the New Testament is our worship
offering. Heb. 13:16. God loves a cheerful giver. The combination of
frankinscence and oil mingled in the offering means bringing to God a
worship offering with a cheerful heart. If your willing offering today
is not with a cheerful heart, God will not accept it. 2 cor. 9:6-7.
God loves a cheerful giver.

PEACE OFFERING: Lev. 3. This was the offering God did not allow the
priest to partake of. It was called the food of God. Lev. 3:11,16.
This was the greatest offering God received from Israel. He derived
great pleasure in it. It was his food. The significant of this is our
praise, thanksgiving and the worship of our lips from our heart to
God. Heb. 13:15, Psalm 50:5, Psalm 65:1-2. ...SIN OFFERING: Lev. 4,
ex. 29:14. It was an offering, a burnt offering made outside the
camp.Lev. 4:12-21. This was an offering made for the covering of the
sin of individual and for the whole israel. This is the offering
Christ perfected in the New Testament. See Heb. 9:2-24, Heb. 10:1-12,
Heb. 13:10-13. What we do today is to identify with this sacrifice:
with the suffering of Christ outside the gate. Heb. 13:13 and 2 Tim
2:1-13. His death and resurrection is rewarded.

TRESPASS OFFERING: Lev. 5:1-6, 14-19, Lev. 6. This was an offering
offered to God to pardon sin and trespasses of Israel. The New
Testament significance of this can be seen in the following
scriptures: 1 John 1:6-9, Heb. 6:1-6, Heb. 1 :18-2. Pls see all the
laws guiding all the different sacrifices in Lev. 6 and 7. Please note
that I just dwelled on the priesthood sparingly, but God Himself will
teach you fully. A priest therefore, is someone called, ordained and
anointed to offer to God sacrificial substances: material and
spiritual. A priest directs his services to God, while a king directs
his services to man. When you operate in both offices, you are
complete in the will of God.


HEB. 7:20-26.... We already have a
reasonable idea of who a priest is. WHO IS AN INTERCESSOR? An
Intercessor is a person who stands before a person (usually a higher
authority) to plead for another. A christian Intercessor is a person
who, being motivated by God's love, pleads to God on behalf of an
individual, persons, family, community, nation and the entire world at
large. He is a person who stands in the gap to identify with the sins,
sicknesses, afflictions and needs of others bringing God to the
situation. He is called an ADVOCATE: one who pleads the course of
another before the Judge in a bid to receive justice. 1 John 2:1. In
Job 9:33 KJV, He is called DAYSMAN, an old English word for Umpire.

JESUS AS PRIEST AND INTERCESSOR: HEB. 7:22-26. ''By so much was Jesus
made a surety of a better testament. But they truly were many
priests,... But this man, Jesus, because he continueth ever, hath an
unchangeable priesthood. Wherefore, he is able also to save them to
the uttermost that come to God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make
INTERCESSION for them.'' From this scripture, we understand that the
work of a priest is synonymous to that of an intercessor. It is said
in the above verse 25, that Jesus as an High Priest ever lives to
continue the work of priesthood: TO MAKE INTERCESSION FOR THEM. A true
priest is an Intercessor. This is the role the Lord expects us to play
without ceaseing. In Ex. 17:8-13, Moses, Aaron and Hur were priests.
They made intercession for Israel to defeat the Amalekites.

Exodus 17:8-13. Please read this passage and understand
it. One of the reasons why there is failure in life is because the
priest fails in his duty. The Amalekites came to make war with Israel
in Rephidim. Moses told Joshua to lead Israel to fight against them
being the captain of the army of Israel. Moses, Aaron and Hur being
priests went to the top of the mountain of God to intercede. Verse 11
says that whenever Moses's hand was up in intercession, the Israelites
prevailed over the Amalekites. And whenever the hand of Moses went
down in intercession, the Amalekites prevailed over Israel. Aaron and
Hur being co-priests with Moses, joined in the intercession to
strengthen the hand of Moses in a steady intercession.

The victory of Israel in the war was determined by the role which
Moses, Aaron and Hur played on the mountain. Joshua was like a king
who led the people to war to fight against the enemy to protect
Israel. Moses, Aaron and Hur were priests who stood in the gap before
God to give victory to the people. The success or failure of Moses,
Aaron and Hur translated to the success or failure of Joshua and the
army of Israel. There is definitely much failure to be encountered
when a king goes about his ministry without the primary role of the
priest/Intercessor The ministry of a priest/Intercessor to the king is
like the horse to the cart. The horse is the power that drives the
cart to progress. The same way, it is the ministry of the priest that
keeps the king going. When the priest fails, the king also fails.


THE KING TWO PRIMARY ROLES OF THE KING Rev.19:11,16 ''And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse and he
that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in RIGHTEOUSNESS
he doth JUDGE AND MAKE WAR: and he hath on his vesture and on his
thigh a name written KING OF KINGS, and LORD OF LORDS.'' --- Isaiah
11:1,4. ''And there shall come forth a ROD out of the stem of Jesse, a
BRANCH shall grow out of his roots: but with RIGHTEOUSNESS shall he
JUDGE the poor, and reprove with equity for the meek of the earth: and
roles of a king - TO JUDGE AND MAKE WAR.

TO JUDGE: 1 KGS 3:28. ''And all Israel heard of the judgement which
the king had judged; and they feared the king: for they saw that the
WISDOM of God was in him, to do judgement.'' A judge is one who
dispenses justice, ensuring that everyone under him gets his or her
rights. He reigns in righteousness and ensure that everybody gets
every priviledge due. The word judge is a complex one in the ministry
of a king. It means all that a king must do to ensure everyone has all
due comforts. Judge in the ministry of a king is a word that stands
for righteous service to the care and satisfaction of all.

Exodus 18:13-26. From verse 16, ''I judge between one and another, and
I do make them KNOW THE LAWS.'' Verse 2 ''Thou shall TEACH them
ordinances and laws and shall SHOW them the way wherein they must walk
and the work that they must do.'' In verses 21-26, Moses choose other
leaders and set them according to their abilities to lead and judge
the people. All these are the roles a king plays. --- Beore the
apparent ministry of king in the land of Israel, God set up about 14
Judges, beginning from Othniel to Samuel to lead Israel to judge and
deliver them from their enemies. These Judges played temporal roles of
a king. Every office, apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, teacher,
helps, administrator etc, all carry out the roles of a king. Every
ministry that build people for God carry out the roles of a king.

Luke 4:18-19. ''The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath
ANOINTED me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal
the broken hearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and
recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are
bruised. To preach the acceptable year of the Lord.'' The anointing
here is called kingly anointing. Every anointing for the purpose of
serving humanity is kingly. All the work listed in the verses above
are kingly assignments to judge. See 1 kings 3:5-13.

*Teach the people the laws of God. *Make them know the ways of God.
*Settle disputes and dispense justice righteously.
*Ensuring the total well being of all - caring.
*Apportion discipline where due. The issue of judgement is complex and
must not be miss-understood. This book is not dealing with judgement
as a subject, so I will not be elaborate on it. There is a
judgment that is the sole role of God. And a judgment that God
appoints a man to dispense. We have dealt with that which is the right
of man. God is the overall JUDGE. WE MUST NOT TAKE HIS PLACE.
Moreover, the word judgment is translated to mean different purpose
in the scriptures.

1 Sam15:1-5.
Verse 3 together - "Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all
that they have, and spare them not, but slay both man and woman..."
This was the commission the Lord gave to Saul after he was made king.
The nation of Amalek was the enemy of God's people. See Ex. 17.2.
Sam 11:1. "And it came to pass, after the year was expired, at the
time when KINGS GO FORTH TO BATTLE, that David sent Joab...but David
tarried still in Jerusalem."
"Kings go forth to battle" but David the king did not go. This became
the undoing of David. He failed just for once in his responsibility to
lead Israel to battle. Grievous mistake for David. This was when Satan
set him up for adultery and murder which cost David great sorrow.

2 Cor 10:3-4. "For though we walk in the flesh, we do not WAR after
the flesh: (For the weapons of our WARFARE are not carnal, but mighty
through God to the pulling down of strong holds)" See also Eph

In the Old Testament, kings went to physical warfare/battles, while in
the New Testament, kings went to spiritual warfare/battles. Our
spiritual warfare is done in the place of prayer & the use of the word
of God. Read also Rev. 19:11-15. God has made all believers in Christ
KINGS and PRIESTS. It is one of the sole duties of all believers to
fight spiritual battles. We can not pretend not to know this truth. We
are saved to rule and reign. No king can rule & reign successfully
without engaging in spiritual warfare and battles. Every king is
called, ordained, and anointed for battles.

In Matt 11:12, Jesus declared:
"And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of
heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force." If all
kings and priests would fulfill their roles diligently, the kingdom of
God will expand like fire and the kingdom of darkness will not be
able to resist it, no matter the intensity of opposition. My aim is
that this teaching will help you to discover who you are and fulfill
your purpose on earth.


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